Print checks on blank forms complete with the MICR line and signatures

Click for a PDF of this sample check produced by CheckSprint Laser Checkwriter!Our software-based checkwriter adds graphics, MICR line, signature, mailer and security plug-ins to enable secure check printing directly from your accounting program. Also included is an appropriate print recipe for the payroll or accounts payable layout that you require.
Capture and reformat check printing from any Windows® accounting program
Using the power of PageSprint™ Data Doorways and Gateway Portals, CheckSprint™ Laser Check Writer brings reformatted, password protected MICR checkwriting to any Windows® application. Functioning as a Windows® print utility and working in conjunction with a MICR printer (or any laser printer with a MICR toner cartridge), CheckSprint™ Laser Check Writer enables regulation MICR printing that meets bank specifications. Use our blank cut-sheet check forms or reformat your check printing for versatile fold and seal check mailers. CheckSprint™ eliminates the need for preprinted checks and allows you to use the same blank check forms for all bank accounts and companies. Leave the hassles of preprinted and numbered check forms behind!
CheckSprint™ intercepts and converts check printing from accounting programs like QuickBooks® and Sage®
CheckSprint™ Laser Check Writer, our software replacement for the long-cherished mechanical checkwriter, will capture and print the check number sent by your accounting system or generate check numbers automatically at print time. Reformatting your output for pressure seal forms couldn’t be easier! Modify your check printing layouts without making expensive changes to your current software. With CheckSprint™ you can customize the appearance of a check with your company logo, MICR line and electronic signature and apply all modifications directly at print-time. Print recipes are easily duplicated and modified to handle various check writing tasks or perform check printing for multiple bank accounts. It is not necessary to modify or change your accounting software to use CheckSprint™. Once installed, printing checks on blank forms is as easy as selecting a printer driver!
Enhance security and fight check fraud with advanced security features.
Security can be enhanced with the optional PageSprint™ Secure Font which converts the written check amount to a secure numeric font to prevent check fraud. Additionally, a payee name can be captured and faintly reprinted as a watermark making alteration of the payee all but impossible. Multiple facsimile signatures on each check are also supported and signing rules, limits and thresholds can be enabled using an optional Job Splitter. Check printing is further secured by a password dialog presented during the printing process.
Single user license for QuickBooks® from $595.00
Includes standard QuickBooks AP and payroll check formats, data interface to QuickBooks, facsimile signature digitization / configuration and one year of support.
Single user license for other systems from $995.00
Includes custom AP and payroll check formats, custom data interface to your accounting application(s), facsimile signature digitization/configuration and one year of support.
Trial Version Available – Requires registration and consultation, no obligation to buy.
If CheckSprint™ Laser Check Writer offers more features than you need:
While converting to MICR printing is a smart move that usually pays for itself in savings of time and money, converting can be expensive for many small companies. If your concern for security is limited to the signing of checks, consider our limited version of this check writing software, CheckSprint™Check Signer. This check signer, similar to our software-based checkwriter, securely adds and controls the printing of facsimile signatures during the printing process. If at a later date more features are required an upgrade to full MICR printing is available.
QuickBooks is a registered trademark of Intuit, Inc.
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